Monday, June 18, 2012

Broiler and Turkey update

Broiler Chickens at 5 weeks old.

Turkeys at 5 weeks old.
The Meat chickens and turkeys are now at 5 weeks old. We will start to make plans to have the broilers butchered at about 8 or 9 weeks and the turkeys in November.

We had one blind turkey that was having trouble putting on weight and only made it through 4 weeks. The remaining turkeys are looking healthy. They are beginning to make a lot of noise and flapping wings every so often. The fence on the turkey pen is about 6 foot high and so far has been keeping them in.

Garden Starting to Take Shape

Potatos, beans

Corn, lettuces, tomatoes, peas, onions
The garden is starting to take shape. It has been extremely dry lately and the garden was showing it. We are are on a daily watering schedule to keep things growing.

Planted more sweet corn this week along with more peas to fill in.

Some of the leaf lettuce is ready to harvest leaves


The newest editions to the farm.

We have 2 new additions to the farm. Our neighbors brought their horses over to stay with us for the summer. We have plenty of room for them to run and graze. They spent the first couple of days getting acquainted with the dexter cows and the goats.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chicken Coop

2 month old egg layers not invited to the roost yet so they have been
spending the night  in the laying nests.

Egg layers roosting and ready to be locked up for the night

Chicken Coop with Concrete lower walls.

We were fortunate to have a chicken coop already built on the farm. We were again visited by coyotes last night. The chickens were locked up tight. The coyotes seem to be looking for an easy meal and are easy to scare off.